Are You Ready for Some Change?

Jun 6, 2023

Are you ready to make some big changes in your life? What is it that feeds your soul? Where are you on your journey? Are you in a place that you are so bogged down with outside interference, that you can’t even see your own true vision, or hear your own soul’s voice? Are you in a place where you are betraying yourself, either by not listening to your true inner knowing, or by eating unhealthy foods, or continuing with an addiction?

This is a call to all of those who are ready to release that which is holding you back and step into your true self, which requires FULL SELF-LOVE. This means that you listen to the call of your inner voice. That you clear out all of the clutter, whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, and allow yourself to experience clarity so that you can move forward in right alignment with your true purpose here on earth.

It’s a scary thought…

Thinking about “what is our true purpose?”. I believe that the fear of knowing and acting upon this and potentially failing is what keeps us from stepping into our full power. There is a lot of distraction in this world. From all of the advertising and consumerism, to cell phones and email and texting and social media. Other people and their fear, their anger, their drama, and their own agendas. Egos, hatred, fear. People pushing their own challenges and issues upon one another or trying to fix and heal yours before they even address their own.

It’s a lot to filter out. It’s a lot to make your way through. I often find people need to hit rock bottom with their health or at least reach a very intense limit – that they don’t ever want to pass again in order to start making healthier decisions for themselves.

But what about starting the journey now? Before you’ve suffered too much, before you’ve hit a wall. How about clearing out the fog, clearing out the clutter, removing the drugs, caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, any unhealthy habit that is draining your body or your mind. The unhealthy thoughts and unhealthy people. Start to clear them away, start to make better choices, little by little, step by step.

Someone recently told me, “I don’t even know where to start, where do I start on the journey towards greater health or towards knowing how to be healthier. I know nothing about this, where do I begin?” And I recommended a book… I suppose it’s a good starting place. I think we all, deep down somewhere, know what choices are healthier for us and which ones aren’t. But sometimes we just want to say “screw it!”, and make the unhealthy choices because it feels good in the moment. The only reward for that choice is the suffering, and the awareness that we receive of the suffering from that choice, so we can be one step closer to making a better choice the next time. It’s important that we learn and that we allow ourselves to become empowered from our learning.

It requires us to step out of our comfort zone to make changes… BIG TIME. Often, In order to see things from a new perspective and be ready to make changes, you need to get out of your current patterns and flow. You need to disrupt your flow. Take a break, go on a 3-day vacation, go on a week-long trip away from everyone and everything. Be with yourself, tend to yourself, listen to yourself, journal, seek answers. Disrupt the flow, so that you can see your life from another perspective, so you can experience the fullness of your feelings without distractions, without the fog, without all of those things that pull at us every day. That keep us from listening to and seeing the truth.

I wrote this because of my own experiences in life, and because of what I’ve found has helped me to grow and make better decisions for myself. Healthier decisions. I encourage you to check into coming here to Costa Rica and sitting with me in the medicine of nature, in the medicine of the moonlight, in the medicine of the sunrise – over the ocean, or the mountain, in the fresh food, in the minimalist living, and turn the volume down on everything. Step away from the screen and allow yourself space to feel and see what you have been blind to and have the courage to talk about it, to heal it, so you can move to your next level in life, so you can move one step closer to joy, to your greater purpose, and true love for yourself.

Our next retreat is September 16-23, 2023 where you’ll have the opportunity to do all of this healing work alongside horses! Check out the Healing with Horses Retreat and schedule a free consultation call if you’d like more information or have any questions.